At least now the wind was in the hind quarter and being Norfolk, the going was still easy.
Little Walsingham is an amazing place for somewhere in the middle of nowhere and I determined to come back to take a peak around. For now though it was a point on the map and a fleeting one at that. It was now getting dark and I still had 40 odd miles to go to reach North Walsham base and then Norwich.
Two things of significance happened along the way. I had never previously been that bothered about wearing glasses when cycling. I never did as a kid. To a degree I was inclined to look at them along with a lot of paraphernalia to do with sport, as just that. I had recently misplaced a pair of wrap-around shades that happened to come with a set of clear lenses for night riding but I had never yet worn them.
The remainder of the journey passed without incident. 201 miles is a long day, but it is in the locker now and I know that I can do it. All I need to know now, is if I can do it again the following day, so the one remaining milestone before I leave will be to head west for 200, sleep in a hedge and head home the next day.
Getting there.
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