I hope that I won't breach too many regulations by reproducing this picture courtesy of the above website, but we might as well acknowledge that like any other' sportsman', I'm likely to be guilty of injury hyperbole and you should be thankful that you get to switch the computer off, whereas my wife and family get to hear me go on and on and....as I discover that taking on a rather daft challenge comes with its inherent risk of injury.
So this week it is the turn of greater trochanter bursitis.
At the tail end of last week, on my planned day off, with someone else watching the kids for me, I headed out on another 50 odd. This time it was a beautifully sunny day with somewhat less wind coming from the south east. Be grateful for small mercies. It is normally hideous and puts me in a bad mood, but not today.
The added bonus today was that I was riding a circuit, so that any grafted miles in the early hours would be repaid in full, with the breeze behind me and a swift return guaranteed. So it was too. I covered the 20 or so miles back from Diss (As you approach it Diss appears.) averaging close to 20 mph and apart from some guy on a bike who appeared to be putting no effort in whatsoever, but whom I could not catch, all was good with the day.
I awoke next morning with a very and of course hyperbole now being accepted, very painful right hip! Where did that come from?
So here you have it. Where the Ileo-tibial band (IT band, commonly known to long-distant runners and other athletes prone to endless repetition,) passes over the greater trochanter bursa, there are certain occasions when the friction of piston-pumping leg movement in this area, creates inflammation and subsequent discomfort. Untreated and aggravated this can become a chronic problem that can take weeks to months to resolve and so must be taken seriously to avoid future problems.
The particular issue of posture and in particular over extended seat posts on bicycles play a part in the causes of this issue for cyclists, as well as not warming up and stretching properly before riding. Guilty!
The mainstay of treatment is ICE, change of exercise whilst symptoms resolve and anti-inflammatories. (Please note the potential side-effects and risks of NSAID use and consult a Doctor before using them.) Do not be tempted to return to the exercise that caused the problem, until you are sure that things are settled. there are plenty of other ways to maintain your fitness in the meantime.
So.....I'm off for a swim.
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