Thursday, 27 February 2014

It's all mind games

Have set out on three occasions this week, I have determined to approach the mile count in a slightly different way.

Admittedly I shall not be starting each day from the same place, as I do in training, but I realised today that there is something psychologically wearing about doing the first 10 miles, or the first 20.

Instead I shall start each day from the running total from the day before, since then each day will be breaking new ground and retain a freshness and positivity about it that should help when the legs and mind are tired and sore.

213 miles on the clock sounds much better than 13 at the beginning of day 2 as does 97 for the week at the end of today, rather than 50 for today. It's all mind games, but that's just it. It WILL be ALL mind games.

Interestingly I've been reading a couple of websites about ultracycling,
and welcome any thoughts from experienced long distance riders about training schedules, eating, drinking and resting.

I for one am interested to know how I'm going to keep the energy going in. I haven't stopped eating since I got home today and I only did a quarter of what I hope to be achieving. I shall need a small trailer to carry my food. I do remember from LEJOG in 2010, that you get pretty fed-up of chocolate and cereal bars and the body is good at telling you what it really needs. Baked potatoes at roadside cafes were a favourite.

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